Euro Steel Run The Rivers

Restmount Childrens home

Restmount nestles in a beautiful mountain setting on the slopes of Bamboo Mountain, 17 kilometres out of Underberg. It is a 522ha playground dedicated to the underprivileged and needy children of KwaZulu Natal, and is supported by the people of KwaZulu Natal. Here the children can enjoy the great outdoors in a safe environment in complete contrast to the heat and humidity of our crowded coastal towns. Restmount caters for children aged seven to fifteen years.

RESTMOUNT was founded in August 1942 when the late

Dr Fred Cluver told members of the Durban Rotary Club of his dream.

Drakensberg holiday resort for underprivileged children.

The club accepted the challenge and raised the necessary funds to build the first complex of thatched bungalows. The first group of children arrived on the 6th October 1945.

The Durban Mountain Homestead Association now guides this magnificent project. This is a registered Non-Profit Organisation and is steered by a voluntary team of workers who form the Management Committee.  Restmount receives no Government subsidy or assistance.

A swimming pool was built with funds raised by the Sani Pass Hotel.

After a devastating fire in 2000 which destroyed much of the complex, funds were raised once more and new buildings were erected. The Homestead is fully functional again. This has all been due to the generosity of many friends of Restmount and the people of KwaZulu Natal.

Restmount has continued for seventy years and has provided holidays for well over 25 000 young guests. Restmount is able to fulfil the dream of its founder in taking children out of overcrowded and stressful environments and giving them a break amid the mountains where healthy appetites are born and wholesome, nutritional food is provided.

At Restmount there is no time for boredom and so much to see and do.

There are mountains to climb, a beautiful waterfall to splash under, a crystal-clear river to swim in and pine forests to walk and play in.

Others remember the fun, laughter and camaraderie of Restmount concerts, carol singing and other forms of home entertainment, realising television has not been missed. Still others keep in touch with the leaders of their groups, remembering the love, care and fair discipline shown to them.

The resident House Parents and farm workers are the only paid employees; all other workers and the group leaders are voluntary helpers.

To support RESTMOUNT is to invest your interest, time and money in a child, giving that child the opportunity to see life in a new dimension as well as helping to mold his future,

If you would like to help we would love to join your efforts with ours.

You can do this by:

    adopting a project or donating cash or kind toward it

    sponsoring a child or a full group

    sponsoring transport for the holiday

    becoming a member or life member of the Association

    helping with fund raising, street collections, etc

    becoming involved in the re-building project

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